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Chinese translation for "cheval glass"


Related Translations:
cheval:  n.(pl. -vaux ) 〔法语〕 马。 cheval-defrise 〔法语〕 chevaux-de-frise 的单数形式。
le cheval:  女装新款莱斯法品牌
cheval blanc:  舍瓦勒布朗
a cheval:  短语和例子〔法语〕1.在马上;跨。2.(对一场争论所持的)骑墙态度。
christophe cheval:  克里斯托夫舍瓦尔
dents de cheval:  班状变晶
force de cheval:  公制马力
cote de cheval:  骑装布
le cheval blanc:  舍瓦勒布朗山
fievre typhoide du cheval virus:  马传染性动脉炎病毒马发热性伤寒病毒马发热性伤寒簿,马传染性动脉炎簿
Example Sentences:
1.It was the most elegant chamber in the flat , for it was hung with some light - colored fabric and contained a cheval glass framed in inlaid wood , a lounge chair and some others with arms and blue satin upholsteries
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